SignalR Book: Real-Time App Development

Mira Javora
About a month ago, I was approached by Packt Publishing to write a book on SignalR. The idea was to write a book that would guide you through various SignalR components using some sort of real-world example. I was up for it and the publisher seemed very keen.
Re-Use MVC Views Across Projects With Razor Generator

Re-Use MVC Views Across Projects With Razor Generator

Mira Javora
You may consider storing the content in a resource file and embed it in a class library. Or perhaps do a clever virtual directory mapping in your IIS setup. However, the best solution is simply to compile the views into a class library using Razor Generator.
Use to Improve Mobile Traffic Detection

Use to Improve Mobile Traffic Detection

Mira Javora
The default browser compatibilities mobile detection in ASP.NET in System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase is pretty poor. It ignores majority of the mobile devices and since it does not update on regular basis, it will ignore any new devices as well. Simply put, if you are using mobile-specific views then most mobile devices will get only the desktop views, because the device will be not recognised as a mobile device.
Render Email Templates Using Razor Engine

Render Email Templates Using Razor Engine

Mira Javora
A larger web projects would typically consist not only of front end web project, but would include additional class libraries and offload some of the heavy processing work to service or console apps. The common problem is then how do you update the front-end and signal the site that some work has been completed.

SignalR-Dependency Injection

Mira Javora
A larger web projects would typically consist not only of front end web project, but would include additional class libraries and offload some of the heavy processing work to service or console apps. The common problem is then how do you update the front-end and signal the site that some work has been completed.

SignalR - Publish Data From Win Forms Using Hub Proxies

Mira Javora
A larger web projects would typically consist not only of front end web project, but would include additional class libraries and offload some of the heavy processing work to service or console apps. The common problem is then how do you update the front-end and signal the site that some work has been completed.

SignalR – Push Data To Clients Using IHubContext

Mira Javora
The Clients dynamic property of the Hub gives you access to all clients connected to the hub within the hub class. However, what if you would like to push data to the clients from outside of the Hub class. One of the most common scenarios is when you want to push data to the clients from an admin system in your back-end.
SignalR – Introduction to SignalR – Quick Chat App

SignalR – Introduction to SignalR – Quick Chat App

Mira Javora
SignalR is an open source async signalling library. It was made by David Fowler and Damian Edwards. In a nutshell, it allows you to pass data between client and server in realtime. It’s not only for web, it has JS, .Net, WP7 and Silverlight clients and supports self-hosting so you can run the SignalR server in win service or web context. It will run on .Net 4.0 or 4.5 and to get websockets running, you will need IIS8 or IIS8 Express. That said, it will run on older versions of IIS and will switch to different transport modes.

Overriding Browser Capabilities in ASP.NET

Mira Javora

The new System.Web.WebPages assembly that ships with the latest MVC4 contains a pretty cool feature that lets you override the current browser capabilities. Sure, most modern browsers let you set a custom user agent string out of the box or via extensions. However, there are certain scenarios, where you would want to switch the user agent on the server side. That’s where the BrowserHelpers class comes in handy.

Deep Dive into ASP.NET Bundling and Minification

Mira Javora

In the previous post, I went on about how to use System.Web.Optimization library to minimize your page load times. However, the new library offers quite a lot of extensibility and even if you don’t want to use the default minification, you can still use the framework.