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Skyscanner State Machine

Big data and predictive analytics @ Skyscanner.

Skyscanner Price Alerts

Skyscanner Price Alerts

Price or Fare alerts offer functionality where a user interested in route and day subscribes to alerts when price changes. A feature that was used quickly by millions of people every day required mutliple components and services.

It delivers millions of alerts via email or push every day.

Skyscanner Recent Searches

Skyscanner Recent Searches

The ability to keep your searches across multiple devices was the key offering in the recent searches project. As well as handling different search types, it was built to handle extremely large volumes of data and scale to be available in all regions of the globe efficiently.

The recent seraches became one of the key offerings for user login and registration.

Skyscanner Authentication

Skyscanner Login and Registration

I’ve been heavily involved majority of the user-driven projects @ Skyscanner. The key projects and services included login and registration and were touching all levels of the stack and brand new services that were created to deliver this experience. Over the duration of few months we delivered native and social auth without 3rd party tools that included provides such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Weibo or VKontakte.

Adidas Golden Boot Challenge

Addidas Golden Boot Challenge

The Golden Boot Challenge was a project that provided real-time, interactive second screen gaming experience based on Footbal matches. Users would answer questions relating to the game during the matches and predict the outcomes - “will he score the penalty?”. The responses were aggregate, scored and shown to all users in real-time. Awesome mix of tech and an amazing product that Adidas used for their Euro 2012.

Twibbon is the easiest and most powerful way to promote awareness of your cause on Twitter and Facebook. Started as a storm idea by @movingforwards and @brianbbrian, evolved into a hugely popular site with high levels of traffic. Twibbon is one of the key projects I work on at @stormideas.

The service overlays a small icon onto supporters’ profile images to create a ‘Twibbon’, making a visual, impactful online statement.

TagViews is yet another storm idea. It is the Facebook app that allows your fans to tag themselves in massive, hi-res and instant-loading crowdshots.

Fully integrated in Facebook, allows huge arieal shots to be uploaded and tagged using the DeepZoom technology.


GetBusinessProfile helps businesses to stand out on Facebook with the exclusive Facebook Business listings. Created in cooperation with Scoot, provides a platform to create business profiles on Facebook.

I’m involved in architecture and dev of the project and deployment strategy, as well as iterative development and udpates to the system.

ITV Ultimate Fan

ITV Ultimate Fan
Are you the Ultimate Fan? Show your support for your country in the Rugby World Cup 2011 by collecting these unique badges.

Google Analytics Controls

Google Analytics Controls
Started an Open Source library to provide graphs based on the live data from Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Controls provide highly flexible and re-usable charting, grid, dropdown and custom treeselect controls based on the analytics data.

Google Analytics lets any user export the analytics data via the API. The controls are build on the standard .Net controls with utilisation of Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Google GData, MS Charts, Moq framework and NUnit. The power of MS Charts gives you a full control over the visual presentation of the data in design time, while the analytics data is only used to create the data series and points.


I’m involved in the Linq2Twitter project on CodePlex. Joe Mayo is the founder and coordinator of the project.

LINQ to Twitter is a 3rd party LINQ Provider for the Twitter micro-blogging service. It uses standard LINQ syntax for queries and includes method calls for changes via the Twitter API

WMS Web Management System

WMS is a centralised web content management system by Ezone Software. It provides content publishing needs for over 100 clients in and out of the UK.

During my time at Ezone, I was involved and led a major rewrite of the application, from design, architecture to implementation.

Global Classroom Partnership Sites

Global Classroom Partnership and a series of sites were one of my first commercial projects developed during the late 90s.

The key site is still operational, although it’s in desperate need for attention. Ambitious project included full content fot the site, mini-blogging engines, discussion forums, member mamangerment as well as full media library and other funk.