Automating Elastic Search deployments with Ansible on AWS

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There is so much to love about Elastic Search. If you, like me, end up creating more than one cluster, you start to think about automating the task whole task including infrastructure.

Cloudformation and ansible scripts can make this tedious job super simple.

I’ve used Lucene several times in the past do to free-text search, but it was tough to built it with scalability and resilience in mind (possible, but tougher than it needed to be). Elastic Search abstracts all that work away, giving you a beautiful API with great tools on top of it.

If you haven’t used it yet, check it out @elastic.

It is essentially a distributed lucene index over multiple nodes. Each index that you create within the elastic search consists of multiple shards that you define at index creation (default is 5). Each shard can then have a specific number of replicas - these are copies of the data and should not live on the same node as the primary shard.

A shard is basically a single lucene index. When a request is made to an elastic search index, ES delegates this to each shard and aggregates the results.


There are also numerous plugins that make running and administering Elastic Search cluster easy. There are so many so I wanted to call out only couple that I use always.


I’m not quite sure what I would do without the Kopf plugin. It that handles everything from visibility of overall indexes, performance of the nodes and doc size to changing various cluster settings. It can also run backups, snapshots, ad-hoc index queries or queries to change aliases. Did I mention it’s awesome?

AWS Plugin

You cannot run Elastic Search on AWS without this plugin. It’s as simple as that. It enabled unicast discovery and S3 storage (for backups and recovery).

Check it out at the Github repo

Building the cluster using Cloudformation on AWS

If you don’t use AWS, feel free to skip this. However, if you do, this may decrease the time you spend creating the cluster - using Cloudformation. Cloudformation essentially automates the creation of all your AWS resources starting from roles, EC2 instances, security groups and much more.

By using CF, you can be up and running within seconds and recreating the cluster repeatedly isn’t a tedious job. Some may argue how hard is it to build a two-three node cluster, but there’s always scope for human error and it’s not exactly time well spent - especially if it can be automated.

Cloudformation script for auto-scaling group

I created a fairly simple Cloudformation script that I’ve been re-using. It creates a multi-node auto-scaling group of ubuntu machines, security groups and ES role for the instances.

Please change the security groups based on what you need - at the moment they allow access from any IP. You may also need to tweak to rules so that instances have visibility of each other depending on your setup.

Creating the stack

Using the provided script, you can upload it to AWS Cloudformation. Based on your script, you will need to fill in the parameters defined in the script.

After that, AWS will go through each resources within the CF script and create it.

Once your infrastructure is setup, you’re going to need to actually deploy elastic search and all the plugins to the nodes. That’s where ansible can help you out massively. If you’ve never used ansible, it’s a neat way to run scripts on remote machines. Check it out here

There is ton of open source scripts that help you run different ansible roles. The one I’ve been using is under Traackr repo - ansible-elasticsearch. George Stathis, if you’re ever in town, I owe you a beer!

It has support for pretty much all config you will need, will install plugins and will install the required java dependency.

Pull it down & get going and add it as a role in your ansible scripts.

Your Ansible script

Your mainl.yml script should look something alo the lines.

1- name: "Setup the Elastic Search on nodes."
2  hosts: elasticsearchnodes
3  remote_user: ubuntu
4  roles:
5    - { role: ansible-elasticsearch, sudo: yes }
6  vars_files:
7    - roles/ansible-elasticsearch/defaults/main.yml

When you have added the ansible-elasticsearch as a folder in your roles, you should update your machines based on the boxes you created.

I also added cluster name and security group to the inventory vars below. You can also define specific node-names per instance.


Of course, if you are running deployments on multiple machines this can be cumbersome. There are scripts that auto-generate inventories based on specific AWS tags - so you can deploy to all instances that have a tag that you’ve defined at creation time.

Changing variables

You should then open roles\ansible-elasticsearch\vars\main.yml and edit variables accordingly.

Make sure you give ES enough HEAP_SIZE - the default 1GB is almost never enough for any use-case and pick your versions. You can also specify any plugins you want to install along the way. The sample below includes both the kopf and AWS plugins mentioned above.

 1elasticsearch_user: "ubuntu"
 2elasticsearch_group: "ubuntu"
 3elasticsearch_version: 1.7.2
 4elasticsearch_heap_size: 2g
 5elasticsearch_max_open_files: 65535
 6elasticsearch_timezone: "Europe/London"
 7elasticsearch_install_java: yes
 9elasticsearch_plugin_aws_version: 2.7.1
11  - { name: 'lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf/1.5.7' }
13elasticsearch_service_startonboot: yes

Running the script

Finally, once you have your vars in place, run the main.yml ansible script (sample above)

1ansible-playbook --private-key=[path-to-your-private-key] -i aws main.yml

This will run the deployment on the machines specified in your inventory. At the end your cluster will be setup!